Under the Sky of Imagination was chosen as a reflection of the conditions that are happening in our society today. Maybe we don t realize much that broad imagination is the main "tool" for solving problems. And so Many people on this earth, including us in Indonesia, are experiencing a crisis of imagination. People choose the easiest and fastest way to solve problems, which usually leads to wrong decisions. With what we are able, through the art of puppet theater, puppets or objects, we want to invite people around us to celebrate together the richness of imagination, to seeing, feeling, experiencing new events, and realizing that having imagination the big one will lead us to see a more colorful world.


Pak Raden, PM. Toh, Wayang Kancil, Wayang Hip Hop, Indieguerillas, Nasirun, Wayang Beber, Wayang Ukur Ki Sukasman (ID), The String Theatre (GB), Angela Stempel (US), Marianna Lis & Olga Salamon (PL).