A song from Wayang Hiphop from several years ago. The song speaks of how to start a day and manage feelings so that life can be more joyful without having to wait or depend on how beautiful a day would be.

Artist Profile

Wayang Hip Hop was founded in Yogyakarta in 2010. The main performers in this group are Catur Kuncoro (dalang or puppeteer), Tiara Yantika (sinden or singer), Tyno Isba Elsa W (rapper), and Bungkus Gunung M (rapper). The group performs songs that combine the Javanese traditional music, such as suluk and gendhing, with the traditional wayang kulit shadow puppetry and hip hop music.

The musical pieces performed are inspired by stories that are often told through the Javanese wayang puppeteer tradition; adaptation of epic stories such as Mahabharata and Ramayana.