Finding Seeds

Target Audience: All ages

Duration: 60 min


Target Audience: All ages

Duration: 60 min

A collection of six short puppet shows: Dog’s Poo by Sirikarn Bunjongtad (Jae), Minh Little Stars by Hyang Chu, Walking Ginseng by Sherry Harper-McCombs, Haloa by Bonnie Kim, The Digger by Pin Chen Kuo, Seed You Again by May Than.

Artist Profile

Mighty Women Mini Puppet Collective is a group of six female puppet artists from different parts of the world who got connected through the Pesta Boneka Puppet Festival.

Sirikarn Bunjongtad (Jae) is a contemporary Thai puppetry artist for over 20 years who never stops learning more about puppetry.


Hyang Chu is a puppet artist, emotional and psychological healer, and interior designer based in Vietnam who draws inspiration from nature and traditional culture.


Sherry Harper-McCombs is a costume designer, crafts artisan and puppeteer teaching at Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, USA.


Bonnie Kim is a Korean-American multidisciplinary and puppet artist based in Hawaii and also works as a teaching artist.


Pin Chen Kuo is a director, scriptwriter, and puppeteer with Puppet and Its Double Theater in Taiwan.

May Than co-founded the innovative Talentshow Theatre Company alongside Ta in Thailand. Their work is known for its distinctive blends of mime and object theatre.
