
Target Audience: 6+ years

Duration: 50 minutes


Nunc is a glimpse into a world that is both primitive and posthuman. The visceral theme of hunger is transformed into a material tale of an alien yet familiar dimension, captivating audiences of all ages.

The performance explores the contrast between the natural slowness of agriculture and the speed of industrial production, engaging the audience's senses through sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound in a timeless ritual.

Nunc layers various theatrical languages, prompting reflections on the historical consequences of our actions. Its dramaturgy unfolds through sound, space, masks, and objects, crafting a poetic journey that amuses while inviting deeper contemplation.


collective creation 

directed by: Claudio Colombo

assistant director: Irene Silvestri,

narrative contribution: Pier Lorenzo Pisano

with: Agata Garbuio, Michele Guidi, Claudia Manuelli, Paolo Tosin

original sounds and music: Paolo Tosin

masks and costumes: BRAT

lights: Massimo Galardini

scenes: Claudio Signorini of TuttaScena

production: Teatro Metastasio di Prato

in productive collaboration with: BRAT

with the support of:


L'arboreto - Teatro Dimora;

La Corte Ospitale - Centro di Residenza Emilia-Romagna;

La Piccionaia - Centro di Produzione Teatrale.


Content Advisory: Please be aware that popcorn will be present in the auditorium during the performance. We advise audience members with corn-related allergies to take the necessary precautions.

Target Audience: 6+ years

Duration: 50 minutes

Artist Profile

BRAT is an Italian theatre production, promotion, and research company, founded in 2015. We focus on popular theatre, conceived as a critical mirror of reality, deeply rooted in ritual and celebration. Our work emphasises constant dialogue with the audience and explores the meeting of art and craftsmanship.

We produce a variety of shows, specialising in self-produced masks, for both children and adults. In 2022, we were awarded the prestigious Premio Scenario Infanzia with Nunc. We also organise the Epicentrico theatre review and are partners in other artistic and social projects, running a space for theatre courses and seminars with international masters.
